One Blog to Rule Them All

It’s time for some old school blogging.


Welcome to the Innkeep development blog. Truth be told, this blog is a resurrection. When I very first started working on Innkeep, in December of 2014 (8.5 years ago!), I began with a blog. That’s all lost to time now (and terribly out of date anyhow). Some years later, I decided to simply use a mixture of Patreon and IndieDB for writing about Innkeep. I’m a bit unsatisfied with either option right now.

Firstly, it’s a bit of a shame to paywall a devblog on Patreon. I like reading devblogs! One of my favorite things is to just go to the pages of various games I like, and read about whatever they’ve been up to lately. But I wouldn’t be able to do that so much if those blogs were all walled away on Patreon or whatever. So it seems only fair that I return the favor, and create a little space where anybody can come and read about my development process for kicks, regardless of budget. (And of course, if they like, they are very free to support me on Patreon anyway!)

IndieDB doesn’t have this problem of course, and it is a nice way to get some views on the game, but you don’t have quite the same control as you might have writing on your own site.

Thinking it over, I realized as well that it’s very easy for information to get missed when you are dealing with so many platforms. Somebody might see a thing on Twitter, but it doesn’t get posted on Discord. Or they are over on IndieDB, but don’t see what’s on Tumblr. You have to be active on so many platforms, and yet they are often so temporary, or showing different things..

So I decided I’d just like to have a central, public space where I can write about how things are going, and then share links to that post over on Twitter, Patreon, IndieDB, Tumblr, etc. One blog to rule them all (and in the darkness bind them…)

Of course, I’ll keep up my posting of various screenshots and what have you on those social sites as well, but for more in-depth writing about the game, this is the place to go.

No idea about how frequently I’ll be writing on this thing. I’m very conscious of the fact that time spent writing about / talking about Innkeep is time not spent actually developing it! It’s a bit of a problem for indie devs in general, given how time poor we can be, and that we have to still do all our own marketing. Still, it could also be quite motivating to be able to share more behind the scenes details on what is going on. And oh boy, there is so much cool stuff going on…

But, I’ll save talking about the game itself for the next post!



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